Water saving for vegetable cultivation with UVGERMI technology

Le 11/04/2023 facebook twitter linkedin
Our client AGRI DISTRIBUTION, based in Eyguières in the Bouches-du-Rhône (France), has equipped SCEA DE FONTANEL, a farmer, with our GERMISERRE skids to save water in this period of exceptional drought.
Establishing a GERMISERRE makes it possible to recover and recycle all the drainage effluents from above-ground greenhouses.
Wastewaters reuse became essential following the past year marked by global warming, especially in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.
Water resources are becoming a vital issue.
UV GERMI®, ultra natural high technology, at the service of farmers.
We thank our partner Xavier Clavel for his trust and support.
#reuse #water #agriculture
#paca #technology
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